Thursday, December 07, 2006

Encoding & Decoding

This communication model that was originally introduced to me in Ch.5 basically introduced me to how news is produced and delivered to the general public. This particular left me with confusion and questions about the possible gaps in the system. In Ch. 14, a more complex version of the communicaton model was introduced and this made things much more clear for me.

The general public in this country is extremely diverse. We all interpret news differently, whether the blame lies among us or the enemy. The enemy also lies within and watches the same news that we do.

The process of encoding & decoding basically sets everyone up in both negative and positive ways. Positive in that we know specifically what may be going on in the world. Negative in that the enemy can us this tool to hurt the innocent even more.

There really is no 2 ways around avoiding the negative system. America unfortunately opened their door to too many enemies and wrangling them down is next to impossible.


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