Sunday, September 17, 2006

What is Propaganda?

The dictionary defition of 'Propaganda' is labeled by many different words such as advertising, agitprop, announcement, ballyhoo, brainwashing*, disinformation, doctrine, evangelism, handout, hogwash*, hype*, implantation, inculcation, indoctrination, newspeak, promotion, promulgation, proselytism, publication, publicity (SOURCE:

Propaganda is a distinguishing type of message directly aimed at influencing the opinions or behavior of a group of people. Propaganda is mainly biased and it does not withhold positive connotation.

Why is PR important?

Public relations is the base of successful management practice. Public relations helps our entagled and multi-tasking civilization to grasp choices and function more effectively by contributing understanding between institutions. It serves to bring private and public policies into compatibility.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

What is Public Relations?

In a nutshell, I believe Public Relations is a duty that a person accepts and their duty is to publically relate to the general population or corporation that he/she is asprires to represent.