Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Disney Movie

You know, I got to thinking....does Disney really put subliminal messages to kids in their movies? If so, why do they really do it? Is there a message that they're trying to get across?

Has Disney ever had a comparable competition for the audience of kids? The only one I can think of is Warner Bros and they have not branched out to build immensely large amusement parks like Disney has around the world.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Good luck Mavs!!

Mavs vs. Suns

Tipoff at 7:30 p.m.

Mini-Study: Car & Driver vs. Maxim

Mini-Study: Car & Driver vs. Maxim

1) Findings:

As I scrutinized a Car & Driver magazine & a Maxim magazine, I discovered something that did not surprise me the least bit; the fact that there are a lot more women in partially clad or highly suggestive clothing than men.

2) Previous Study:

Carstarphen, Lambiase, Morgan, Reichert, & Zavoina (Beefcake & Cheesecake, Spring 1999, Journalism & Mass Comm Quarterly) the ads showed women being dressed more suggestively than men in magazines, during a comparison of ads from 1983 to 1993. In the study of 6 magainzes, women were more likely to be partially clad to scantily dressed than men.

3) Most important foundation literature

I scutinized the study done by Artermio Ramirez, Jr. called Sexually Oriented Appeals (SEX in Consumer Culture, Ch. 9). I borrowed his coding system to organize the ads into Male/Female, how they’re dressed – demure or scantily clad – there were several ads showing women dressed in short skirts or dresses promoting an item that would primarily be used by men.

4) Corpus & Methods

I perused through a recent issue of Car & Driver magazine, as well as Maxim magazine and did a qualitative analysis of them.

5) Findings

I came to find out that in my study that over half of the sexually depicted ads were women dressed in a suggestive manner promoting an item that would be primarily used by a man. All of the ads, except for one, the men were dressed demure. There was only one ad for the carmaker Saturn who had pictures of several women dressed in a demure fashion.

6) Conclusion

In conclusion, I find out that in both of these magazines, which are of very different genres, both portray women in the fashion, primarily as sex objects that can sell a particular product that will mainly be used by a man. Though I expected to see a greater amount of the women as the main focus of the advertisement, the ad companies did a great job of selling the product to the consumer as well.

Frontline: Merchants of Cool

After seeing this video, I thought to myself that all of the "cool" things that I bought into in high school were all things that were not anything that I particularly liked. I made myself like these "cool" products just to fit in.

Today, I don't have a certain following of "cool" things to abide. Everything I have an interest in comes from an enthusiasts' viewpoint. For instance, I have been interested in cars all my life. In the past several years, I've taken my interest from collecting model cars to doing more substantial stuff such as buying an old car and restoring it.

In high school, Abercrombie & Fitch was the big thing. Today, I have a high level self-esteem that I didn't have when I was in my teenage years. People don't judge me by what I wear. They judge me for who I am. I don't have to wear A&F just to be status quo.

I can comfortably go out wearing sweats (or shorts) & a t-shirt today not have to be judged.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Go Mavs!!

Western finals baby!!!!!!

Sunday, May 21, 2006

DaVinci Code

I noticed that during this horribly inaccurate enactment of history, I did not witness a single black person in this movie. Now, I might have missed a random person who may have been an extra in the background, but none of the lead role actors/actresses were African-American.

Should there be an uproar about this situation? It certainly was the first thing to come to my mind as I was walking out of the theatre on Saturday night.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Take home test

The test was very straight forward....no problems here!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Male POWs vs. Jessica Lynch & Shoshanna Johnson

Found this interesting link regarding Jessica Lynch and an Iraqi Lawyer. It further follows up with a story of Shoshanna Johnson. This was quite an intriguing read!


Monday, May 15, 2006


This is my first post and I really have nothing interesting to say.