Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Jet Blue Apology Video

You know...there are those who really know what they're doing, but can't execute their job correctly. Then there are those you don't know what they're doing, but have the ability to properly to present themselves by their professional PR department.

Unfortunately, Jet Blue falls into that first category. The person representing Jet Blue knew just what to say and hit all the points of the mistakes they made and what they're doing to rectify the issue.

In the video, he uses his finger and does the "pointing" thing. Which is highly frowned upon in the media/PR industry. But other than that....he seemed to touch on everything else just fine.

Exxon Valdez Oil Spill

Geez! What a mess! Especially for a remote location such as Prince William Sound, Alaska. Exxon and its chairman, Lawrence Rawl, did an awful job covering up the PR tracks with positive media coverage and press release. Rawl even went out of his way to mention that the media is out to hurt him and his company.

The way that this country alone covered the issue was awful too. Almost reminds of how Hurricane Katrina was mis-handled, yet we will go out of our way to go to war with a country thousands of miles away.

Our government needs to put priorities into a bright light for examination.

Hoji Fuse: Guest Speaker

Haha...this guy was freaking great! He had such boastful emotions and comments about his home country, Japan. His use of body language to captivate the attention of the school clearly showed the love he has about education.

He mentioned that it is important to study about technology, globalization, economy, demographics, and peace in order to be more in touch with interpersonal communication between people.

Enron Video

In short....I think the video made me feel bad for both the employees and those guys in the top chair at Enron. Talk about a company that was SOOOOOOO dedicated to staying afloat that they went so far out of their way to make some good out of something so worthless.

The electricity scandal in California was really depressing however. The residents there had to put up with crap so far out of their hands, they had no choice but to live with what they were given.