Friday, December 08, 2006

Food For Thought

You know, during that whole Spinach ordeal that went on in late October through November, I didn't not notice much work along the lines of PR.

I thought about it for a moment and decided that th FDA should be in charge, however, they didn't not address much information about what they plan on doing to regulate the situation.

I'm still thinking about this....

Importance of Values, Mission, Goal, Objective, & Tactics

The basic fundamentals of PR is knowing the importance of values, mission, goal, objective, & tactics. Accomplishing tactics by means of communication is very important. Communicating builds relations which leads on to accomplish missions. Accomplishing missions leads to making goals and meeting objectives. Using tactics determines the framework a person/organization does to make what they need to work.

Isolation vs. Quarantine


[ahy-suh-ley-shuh n] - **** noun


A segregation of a group of organisms from related forms in such a manner as to prevent crossing.

2) A psychological defense mechanism consisting of the separating of ideas or memories from the emotions connected with them.

(Source: - Dec 8, 2006 - 5:02pm)


quar·an·tine [kwawr-uh n-teen] **** noun or verb


A strict isolation imposed to prevent the spread of disease.

2) Enforced isolation or restriction of free movement imposed to prevent the spread of contagious disease.

(Source: - Dec 8, 2006 - 5:04pm)

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Encoding & Decoding

This communication model that was originally introduced to me in Ch.5 basically introduced me to how news is produced and delivered to the general public. This particular left me with confusion and questions about the possible gaps in the system. In Ch. 14, a more complex version of the communicaton model was introduced and this made things much more clear for me.

The general public in this country is extremely diverse. We all interpret news differently, whether the blame lies among us or the enemy. The enemy also lies within and watches the same news that we do.

The process of encoding & decoding basically sets everyone up in both negative and positive ways. Positive in that we know specifically what may be going on in the world. Negative in that the enemy can us this tool to hurt the innocent even more.

There really is no 2 ways around avoiding the negative system. America unfortunately opened their door to too many enemies and wrangling them down is next to impossible.

Another follow-up about Cross-Cultural Communication


ster-ee-uh-tahyp-eeng **** –noun


1) Sociology
a simplified and standardized conception or image invested with special meaning and held in common by members of a group: (i.e. - The cowboy and Indian are American stereotypes.)

To give a fixed form to.

(Source: - Dec 7, 2006 - 3:20pm)

My personal opinion of stereotyping, though it may be useful in some ways, it is definitely NOT to be used as a means of a negative medium. According to the PR book, it is a definite tool for the failure of cross-cultural communication.

It is upsetting to see that many people, who try to be helpful to others who adapt to a certain lifestyle, actually end up upsetting their guest or party b/c they feel offended that person purpose might not have correctly adapted to their culture. That can be a big deterrant when it comes to a possible business deal.

If the World Were a Village

A long while back, I thought about how the world would be divided up if the entire human civilizataion were a village. On Ch. 14, the section about International Public Relations made me think about this again & I never knew that there was a popular children's book about it.

It goes on to say that the world would look like this:
- 24 residents would have no electricity, most others would only use it at night.
- 22 would speak Chinese, 9 would speak English, 7 would speak Spanish.
- 20 would earn less than a dollar each day.
- 17 would not be able to read or write
- 10 would be younger than 5 yrs old, 39 would be younger than 19, 1 would be older than age 79.
- 7 would not own a computer

(Source: 3rd edt. Public Relations - pg. 460)

Its unbelievable how many people live in unsuitable conditions according to our standards. Not only that, but there are many individuals who own more than 1, 2, or maybe 3 computers. The thing that gets me the most is that 20% earn less than a dollar a day.

This really goes to show that many people in this country do not take what they have for granted. There are millions everywhere else in the world that only wish to have 1/3 of what we have.

I'm glad I came across this section in Ch. 14, it gave me more insight on this issue.